Increasing droughts and cyclone activities expose Africa’s vulnerability to the intensifying consequences of climate change.
Considering that about 60% of people who lack access to electricity live in Africa, it is our moral imperative to uplift these struggling communities.
Especially in view of Africa’s vast solar resource, Sustainable Energy is the solution to both mitigating climate change and providing access to clean electricity in remote rural areas.
To enable a planet powered by renewable resources with its intermittent supply, energy storage must be at the forefront of technological innovation.
The industry must expand and advance its creativity and development to enable the complete replacement of fossil fuel generation with renewable energy.
In response to the need for cost-effective storage solutions, we have identified innovative energy storage technologies, which will enable further deployment of renewable energy
Imagine a future where all energy supplied matches demand in real time or where every solar farm is monitored ensuring optimal energy capture thus significantly reducing dependence on other energy sources. This future is not that far away. INTERESTED? Come and chat to us.
The bGen
This technology is particularly interesting for industry, where electricity meets waste heat, steam and process heating & cooling. The bGen system uses South African rocks for thermal energy storage. Energy can easily be transferred from one form to another, whilst being stored in high-exergy heat. The system is modular and space-efficient.
The Evie Tower
The technology was inspired by the integral use of gravity and kinetic energy relied upon to move water and generate power in pumped storage hydro plants but replaces water with innovative 35 ton bricks made from low-cost waste materials. Using the fundamental principles of science, a storage solution that is as compassionate to the planet as it can be built anywhere, whilst cleaning up the environment.

Loeriesfontein/Khobab 2* 140mw Wind Farms
Kaxu Solar One 100mw Solar Thermal Plant
iX engineers experience and involvement in REIPPP program in RSA and other IPP projects in South Africa and outside RSA include:
96 MW Jasper solar PV plant
100 MW Kaxu solar CSP Plant
50 MW Khi Solar CSP Plant
80 MW Loeriesfontein wind farm
138 MW Loeriesfontein 2 wind farm
138 MW Jeffreys Bay wind farm
310 MW Lake Turkana wind farm, Kenya
102 MW Kipeto wind farm, Kenya
102 MW Copperton wind farm
iX engineers experience and involvement in Pre-feasibility-, Feasibility- and Bankable Feasibility Studies further include:
90 MW Prieska Solar PV Plant, RSA
75 MW Gwanda solar PV plant, Zimbabwe
75 MW Moremoholo Solar PV Plant, Lesotho
35 MWh Energy storage and 10 MW Solar PV Plant, Anglo American
8 MW Solar PV Plant, Sefateng (current)
2*200 MW Sunelex solar PV Plant, RSA (current, OE)
2*45MW TSS Zimbabwe (Current)
Some of the above projects were executed by key engineers currently in the employ of iX Engineers (Pty) Ltd who have gained the experience whilst employed by iX engineers’ predecessors in title, KV3 Engineers (Pty) Ltd incorporated by WorleyParsons RSA (Pty) Ltd. iX engineers (Pty) Ltd acquired the Public Infrastructure Business Unit personnel and projects as a going concern from WorleyParsons RSA in September 2016.